just stuffz and more
Published on August 8, 2005 By ethsza In DesktopX
Shouldn't there be forum and download sections for IconX? It's a must have for Win2K users like me. (Without that the desktop icon texts have coloured backgrounds instead of nothing or custom labels.)

I could imagine sharing IconX themes, and uploading icon backgrounds, click/dblclick sounds.


on Aug 08, 2005
I would settle for them just fixing the bugs.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Aug 08, 2005
You could probably upload some sounds(non copyrighted) and backgrounds under Misc Icons (make sure the descript is clear).

Not sure how the theme would work - haven't tried creating one.
What would it do with the icons you use that aren't in a theme and vice versa? Assuming by theme you mean icons included.

The site doesn't generally put up a gallery unless enough call for it (& then the activity kinda needs to justify it.)

FireFox skins got relegated to the back page due to inactivity compared to other galleries.
on Aug 08, 2005
Still got that hang at big stage Tarkus?
on Aug 08, 2005
I can't use the last few versions at all. They crash as soon as I place anything on my desktop, or attempt to change themes, even with an empty desktop. I'm stuck at 1.10.002.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Aug 09, 2005
Not sure how the theme would work - haven't tried creating one.
What would it do with the icons you use that aren't in a theme and vice versa? Assuming by theme you mean icons included.

IconX themes will actually not contain any icons neither their placement on your desktop, rather set the icon properties (size, overlay colour, shadow, transparency, etc) and label properties (colour, size, background image, overlay colour, etc) for four different states, such as 'mouse away', 'mouse over', 'mouse away selected', 'mouse over selected'.

So you can create nice animated zooming effects for mouseover, with different other decorations in a theme, and who applies that, whatever icons would have on his/her desktop, would get the same result as the theme creator.

Now with the latest release, pretty cool icon text-label backgrounds can be applied, some are delivered with the application itself, but pretty easy to create your own. I have created the obligatory semitransparent glass backgrounds in no more than 5 minutes in PS. I assume the hardcore skinners have spent more time creating their own, which I'd happily reuse - that's the point in the community artwork.
on Aug 09, 2005
IconX themes? I'm not quite sure how that work, since really you wouldnt be able to a) show them in previews and stuff, and wouldnt really consist of a 'skin' or 'theme'. IconX is essentially a WYSIWYG program... tweak etc. all you want, but its really not designed for distributing your configs at all. I do see what you mean with the sounds etc, though, although they also have the copyright issue of only having original stuff on there.
on Aug 09, 2005
its really not designed for distributing your configs at all

It could be to a certain extent. Say, if people were to design special effects such as the 'Ping' or 'Echo' effects, for example.
on Aug 09, 2005
Yeah I thought about the possibility of making and uploading Themes. Right now the downloader would have to manually extract each component into it's respective folder Maybe in the future the .ixtheme will be packaged like WindowBlinds, DesktopX...ETC. Sorry to hear some of you are having bugs with yours, mine is working fine.
on Aug 09, 2005
Maybe a new thread could be started for sharing your settings, if it's not possible to share themes as files. If it's too much hassle typing all your settings, screenshots could be used.

I'd certainly like to try some of the stuff people have come up with. I've been using Huge forever, because it's the included theme I like the best, and I'm not real comfortable with creating my own theme.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Aug 09, 2005
Hmm, that might be a good idea. How many people would be interested in posting screenshots of your config settings? Dont do it here, I'll start a new thread if its desired.

(Note: I'm the new OS Customization Board Wizop)